THE NIGHTMARE ON OVERWHELMED STREET: How your brain reacts to our modern VUCA world

This chapter provides an overview of brain anatomy, function and evolutionary development in relation to how humans behave under pressure and why our brains struggle with modern stressors, negativity, learning and attention.


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Episode 1: Old brain vs. modern world:

Our brain evolved and developed in an ancient world so it’s no wonder that it struggles to adapt to modern stressors.  This episode explains how the physiological impact of modern stressors undermines our health, performance and positivity. 

Episode 2: Our Savage history haunts us

Our ancestors endured a savage history over millions of years that hardwired our brains for insomnia, and in the case of females, for life saving actions during sexual assault. The insights in this episode are critical for understanding and overcoming our savage past.

Episode 3: Why we struggle with negativity

Gain an understanding about why our brain is so negative, self-critical and overly sensitive to bad news so you can learn how to not only overcome the negativity, doubt and sensitivity, but use it to your advantage.

Episode 4: Understanding our stubborn adult brain

This episode highlights insights on learning and attention that explain why many adults have a difficult time acquiring new complex skills.  These insights help develop strategies to overcome challenges so adults can learn more effectively while increasing attention spans.

Episode 5: How your brain controls your mood

This basic overview covers neuromodulators and how they control your mood. It provides an understanding that enables people to develop behaviors that improve mood and control over their day.


The Nightmare on Overwhelmed Street



Episode 1:
Old brain vs. modern world:

Episode 2:
Our Savage history haunts us

Episode 3:
Why we struggle with negativity 

Episode 4:
Understanding our stubborn adult brain

Episode 5:
How your brain controls your mood