Learn how to train your brain for success and happiness through consistent repetitive drills. These exercises are designed around struggle, discomfort and how the brain learns, modulates mood, engages the stress response and performs in close proximity to others.


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Episode 1: Training model for effective adoption of complex skills

Learn how to identify complex skills required to succeed in any project. Plan and execute training that ensures skills are adopted at an expert level.

Episode 2: Focused training for scenarios that have zero margin for error

This episode provides tactics to help identify potential points of technique failure before they create negative outcomes. As well, you will learn about tactics that help ensure the right actions are executed at the right time during action where there is little to no time to make decisions.

Episode 3: Building mental health despite increasing stressors

Understand and learn how to control and create structure at times where tasks and stressors become overwhelming and out of control. Learn how to take advantage of the brain’s function so you can build mental health despite immense pressure.

Episode 4: VUCA drills of struggle and discomfort

Learn specific practice drills that use struggle and discomfort in ways that build competence, confidence, mental health and effective mindsets to achieve more positives outcomes during, and after critical stress

Episode 5: Avoiding the road to hell that is paved with good intention

Understand harmful behaviors and the dark side of well-intended strategies that have become popular in our modern world. Learn about tactics to help prevent the negative outcomes of these strategies.


Getting Ready



Episode 1:
Training model for effective adoption of complex skills

Episode 2:
Focused training for scenarios that have zero margin for error

Episode 3:
Building mental health despite increasing stressors

Episode 4:
VUCA drills of struggle and discomfort 

Episode 5:
Avoiding the road to hell that is paved with good intention