Learn about (1) verbal communication skills that improve outcomes and trust, (2) written communication skills that reduce misinterpretation (3) crisis resolution tactics and (4) a model to help decide which skills apply in any scenario.


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Episode 1: Direct communication

Understand verbal and face to face communication tactics that improve outcomes and trust while helping to normalize candor and positive psychological safety. Mastering these skills will bring more information into discussions and fosters team cohesion

Episode 2: Indirect communication

Become aware of written communication tactics that reduce communication error due to the loss of face-to-face human signaling and direct communication.

Episode 3: Improving actions during action

Learn key tactics and practices that enable optimal decision-making during moments where there is insufficient time to determine and validate with high certainty, the possible best decision.

Episode 4: Crisis resolution

Learn tactics that help de-escalate crisis and facilitate best possible outcomes when few or no desired outcomes seem possible.

Episode 5: Action model

This episode describes an effective model for deciding which skills and tactics to use for any challenging scenario. 


Reality Wakes



Episode 1:
Direct communication

Episode 2:
Indirect communication

Episode 3:
Improving actions during action

Episode 4:
Crisis resolution

Episode 5:
Action model